There has never been a more exciting time in the world of cannabis. It seems that new cannabinoids are appearing on the market at a regular rate, creating much interest and enthusiasm amongst fans. For instance, HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) is not new, but to the cannabis market it is a relative freshman. You can buy HHC edibles, HHC flower, HHC vapes & cartridges, HHC oil, and much more now online in the UK & Ireland.
Derived from the hemp plant HHC is gaining quite a lot of popularity. It is a psychoactive cannabinoid, and has been likened to Delta 9 THC. Of course, Delta 9 THC, or to give it a street name......'pot', 'grass', 'dope', 'green', 'Mary Jane', 'reef', and others, is widely illegal. It is an offence in most countries to possess, cultivate, supply, or consume Delta 9.
Although HHC appears to resemble Delta 9, it is nowhere near as robust as to the psychoactive effects it delivers. However, it does give the user a euphoric sensation, it increases heart rate, and can have a relaxing and stimulating effect.
It was in 1944 that the American Chemist, Roger Adams created HHC. He accomplished this by adding hydrogen molecules to Delta 9. Hemp derived HHC actually isn't THC at all. This means that HHC is a legal compound, which is good news for those who enjoy it's benefits.
In more recent times, the cannabis plant has been recognised for the health benefits it delivers. In particular, CBD (cannabidiol) has become a household name, and is not just available online, but it can also be bought on the high street in many countries.
You can buy various forms of CBD, such as, CBD flower, CBD oil & tinctures, CBD gummies, CBD hash, CBD vapes & cartridges, and much more in the UK & Ireland. It is an established cannabinoid that can deliver relief not only from physical ailments, but mental health issues can also be addressed.
For those who prefer the natural route when addressing health issues, CBD is undoubtedly a firm favourite. In conjunction with this, THC is often used too to give the 'entourage effect'. More and more people are embracing medical cannabis, not only because of it's wholesome and natural origin, but also because of the positive results seen in improving various health conditions.
HHC is now an important member of the cannabis family, delivering relaxing and effective solutions to wellness and health.
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