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James grew up in Liverpool and also attended school there.

He is the eldest of 2 boys and comes from a humble working-class background.

Leaving school at the age of 15 years with no qualifications, James was determined he wouldn’t end up in a dead-end job or working for someone else.

However, shortly after leaving school James lost his father.  Suddenly James understood he would have to step up to the plate and help support his family.

After the realisation that he wouldn’t get far in life without recognised skills and/or qualifications, James embarked on a handful of diverse college courses.

Although he achieved several qualifications, which helped him get work, James felt this wasn’t his vocation in life and went on to explore other possibilities.

One subject James always excelled in was mathematics.  As he grew older and accepted his responsibilities, he also gained confidence.  He decided to apply to John Moores University in Liverpool to study an Accounting and Finance degree.  He was elated when he was accepted onto the course.

However, it wasn’t until he was several months into his first year, he discovered he was dyslexic, this condition had never been picked up during his school years. Although James struggled at times, in the face of adversity, he pushed on and he completed his degree.  

Much to the delight and pride of his family, James attained a BA Honours degree in Accounting and Finance.

As a child James was always interested in horticulture.  His grandparents lived opposite his house when he was a child, and he spent most of his spare time with his grandad looking after his garden and allotment.  He was always interested and amazed with how things grew and flourished.  He was very inquisitive and eager to learn, unaware that this knowledge would prove useful in the years to come. He was given his own little patch of allotment what he was solely responsible for.  His childhood dream was to become a farmer.

James is also a keen naturalist and is passionate about our environment.  He believes every single person should take responsibility and endeavour to monitor their own carbon footprint.  Climate change is never overlooked and is always a considered factor in his work today.

While James studied for his degree, he also began extensive research and studies into the cannabis ‘Sativa L’  variety commonly known as hemp.  He was fascinated with CBD (cannabidiol), and it’s impressive characteristics. He was very interested in it’s healing properties and its ancient history.  The more he delved into its spectacular properties, the more his thirst for knowledge grew. To this day James believes it is the gift that keeps on giving.  There are constant new revelations about this incredible cannabinoid.

Once his degree was completed, James moved to Barcelona, Spain.  Here, would be the perfect climate to cultivate a trial of his findings with the Sativa L variety. 

However, language became a barrier.  Undeterred, James proceeded to learn the language with an intensive course.  Before long James was speaking Spanish fluently.  This was definitely the catalyst to what was about to unfold.  There is no doubt that this new skill catapulted James to where he is today.

Once settled in Spain James began to acquire genetics from several different countries.  Switzerland, Italy, Israel, Morocco and Hungry, to name but a few.

Over several months James had sourced exclusive genetics from around the world.  He then began experimenting with cross-breeding, and back-breeding his findings over the next 6 years.  This proved to be an arduous task, but one which he enjoyed immensely.

Eventually the hard work and perseverance paid off.  James created a unique Sativa L hybrid genetic.  This was a powerful Eureka moment, and is now a closely guarded genetic. The composition is known only to James.  HG47 (Hempire Gardens 47) is exclusive to Hempire Gardens.  It is currently the most sought-after premium hemp flower available on the market.  

Once the genetic was stabilized, it was time to acquire land where James could start his long awaited project.  The idea was to commercially cultivate the highest premium quality CBD hemp flower.  The intention was to supply the whole of Europe at the most competitive price on the market.  Within 2 weeks of searching James found an ideal plot.  2000 square metres, it was perfect.

By this time, it was February 2020.  James decided to set up a company, Europe Gardens Investment S.L was born.  However, 2 weeks later the first Coronavirus Lockdown hit.  Fortunately, agriculture is not affected by the same restrictions as other industries, so there was little disruption to the planned process.  

In May 2020, the first crop was planted.  They were healthy specimens which James nurtured daily.  He oversees every aspect of the cultivation process and happily shares the developments of the crop through his website and social media.

The first harvest was September 2020.  The yield and quality of the industrial CBD hemp flower far exceeded expectations.

Once harvested, the demand for this hemp flower rocketed almost immediately.  In addition to this the profit the company realised was astronomical.   With just 4 employees including himself it was remarkable what James had achieved.

This year Europe Gardens Investment S.L production has multiplied 10-fold.  Moving into 2021 they now boast 20,000 square metres of automatic greenhouses. 

 A total of 65 workers at the their farms will be employed this year. 

 An estimated £4.5 million net profit is envisaged.  It is projected in the next 4 years the demand for CBD his hemp flower and products will double year on year with a 400% increase by 2025. 

 Europe Gardens Investment S.L will continue to expand retrospectively with an estimated profit of approximately £80 million by 2025.

The boost to Spain’s economy has been welcomed, and each year going forward Europe Gardens Investment S.L can only expand as demand for premium CBD hemp flower remains high.

James is now also a consultant he advises on the cultivation process.  He is also Spain’s largest cultivator of premium quality hemp flower.


James Mitton

CEO @Hempire Gardens

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