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Delta 8 - Where Can I Buy Delta 8 Oil in France?

If you are not familiar with Delta 8 THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), it's time to get to know this amazing cannabinoid! Now legal and safe to use, Delta 8 is worth exploring.

Delta 8 was made a legal substance in 2018.  You can buy Delta 8 oil in France and many other countries now.  Not just Delta 8 oil, but flower, edibles, pre-rolls, vapes, cartridges, and also personal care items are available.  

Most people are familiar with Delta 9 THC, the psychoactive compound derived from the marijuana plant.  For centuries derivatives from the cannabis family have been used globally for healing and ritual purposes.

However, Delta 9, because of it's robust psychoactive effect that it imparts, is widely illegal around the world.  With the exception of medical cannabis prescriptions, using or abusing Delta 9, can carry quite heavy penalties.  Otherwise referred to as ganga, pot, grass, weed, dope, hash, etc. 

Delta 8 was made lawful in 2018.  The American Farm Bill deemed it so.  The decision to legalise Delta 8 is, however, somewhat of a grey area.  This is because Delta 8 is mildly psychoactive.  The 2018 Farm Bill does stipulate that anything that is derived from hemp is legal.





To explain a little further.  CBD (cannabidiol) is derived from hemp.  Delta 8 is made by converting CBD.  This, of course, is a task best done in a laboratory setting by a knowledgeable scientist or chemist.

CBD, or as it is otherwise known, cannabidiol was discovered in 1940.

Roger Adams, was an American Organic Chemist, who was the first to isolate and identify CBD.  He also later discovered THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).


                                    ROGER ADAMS - FAMOUS FOR THE DISCOVERY OF CBD (CANNABIDIOL) IN 1940


Much research and study was done in the early stages with cannabis, but scientists had little knowledge of the structure of cannabinoids.  They also had little understanding of the biological composition of the cannabis plant.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of 113 different cannabinoids in the cannabis plant.  These cannabinoids make up 40% of the plants extracts.

Experiments with CBD oil in the 1940's and 1950's were carried out which also included THC, but these were a long way away from the wide use of CBD products we know today.  Furthermore, the demand for Delta 8 products is rising rapidly considering it is a relative newcomer.

In 2018 when the American Farm Bill legalised hemp-derived CBD, this  allowed CBD to be cultivated and distributed commercially.

However, CBD must contain <0.2% THC, or in some countries <0.3% THC is allowed.  CBD is non-psychoactive.  This means that it does not have mind-altering effects when consumed.  Anything above these levels is deemed illegal.

Delta 8 THC with it's mild psychoactive effect, seems to be sandwiched in between CBD and Delta 9 THC.

Anyone who cultivates CBD will regularly take samples for laboratory analysis to ensure the THC is at a lawful level.  Also to ensure safety and quality, there are EU Regulations and Guidelines which also must be adhered to.


                                  CBD (CANNABIDIOL) - CBD HAS TO CONTAIN <0.2%/<0.3% THC (TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL) TO BE LEGAL


In recent years we have seen an upward trend in the demand for CBD oil.  More recently, Delta 8 Oil seems to be following in it's footsteps. The best CBD and Delta 8 oil can be found from a supplier that cultivates  premium quality organic CBD flower.  

In France, CBD was illegal to sell up until 23rd June 2021.  The Cour de Cassation has now made selling CBD in France legal.  Consumers are welcoming the change, as France has been slow to accept CBD, and is one of the last countries to legalise it.



It is quite simple and legal to buy Delta 8 oil in France now.  This is fantastic news for those who like to supplement their health regime, as it can address not only mental, but physical health conditions.

CBD is normally grown in a warm climate that suits it's personality. Hemp plants need soil that is rich in organic matter.  The good quality of the soil should allow enough water to be retained for perfect growing conditions.

When the hemp plant is ready to harvest, supercritical CO2 extraction is used to produce CBD.

The best CBD is one that has been grown organically without herbicides or pesticides.  The use of chemicals could be harmful to health long term.

CBD and Delta 8 are now renowned for their healing properties.  Many studies have been conducted on a wide range of health conditions.  There have been very encouraging results when using these powerful cannabinoids.  Here are just some of the ailments they can help with :

  • arthritis

  • acne

  • eczema

  • bipolar

  • epilepsy

  • Parkinson's Disease

  • gout

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • stress

  • poor sleep

  • Crohn's Disease

....and many more.






CBD products are widely available on the high street and online globally.  However, Delta 8 products are mainly online for now.  For instance you could search 'where can I buy Delta 8 oil in France ?', and many suppliers would be returned from that search.  It is probably a matter of time before we see some Delta 8 products next to CBD products on sale on the high street.

You can find the best Delta 8 oil at a cost that suit's your pocket.  Buying from a reputable supplier is paramount, as quality and safety are important factors.

It is advisable to research what you are looking for in the first instance.  Comparing products and prices is a good idea, and also ensuring EU Regulations and Guidelines are being followed.

Usually when purchasing Delta 8 or CBD, you will receive either a laboratory analysis, or maybe a QR code will be visible on the packaging.  This will show the THC levels that are in the product.











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