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CBD and the Lockdown

Who would have thought that just a few months ago the word 'Lockdown' would become part of our lives throughout the world.

Governments globally have advised their populations to 'stay at home', and shield from the pandemic we now know as Coronavirus or Covid 19.

Coronavirus is a new disease that affects the respiratory system.  The primary organ of the respiratory system are the lungs.  Their function is to breathe in oxygen, and expel carbon dioxide.  It's a very important function because the oxygen we breathe in works with the circulatory system.  Pumping oxygen-rich blood to the cells in our body is important to keep our bodies healthy.  Waste products are collected by the carbon dioxide, then expelled through the lungs.

Coronavirus attacks the lungs and inhibits their important function.  Although studies are now showing that it affects individuals differently.  Factors such as age, gender, and ethnic background can determine the severity of the disease.

Scientists around the world are now in a race against time to find a vaccine.  Encouraging progress is being made, and in super quick time, as normally producing vaccines can take years.

Self help to prevent Coronavirus is becoming a trend.  One of the go to supplements is CBD.

CBD products sales have soared since the start of the pandemic.  In particular the use of CBD oil has shown an upward trend.

CBD (cannabidiol) is derived from the hemp plant.  The healing properties of CBD have been recognised globally.  From treating arthritis to depression, the list of ailments it can help is ever growing.

Typical conditions that are being experienced in 'Lockdown' are insomnia, stress, anxiety, and depression.  All of which can be addressed with CBD.

CBD oil can be sourced online.  Dosage is administered under the tongue.  A few drops daily is recommended, and relief can be experienced quickly.

CBD flowers are another way of using this versatile supplement.  CBD flowers can be added into food and drinks quite easily.

This natural helper is safe to use and is non-addictive.

European Regulations and Guidelines ensure that regular analyses of CBD products can be used with confidence and trust.



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