CBD cultivation has grown worldwide over recent years due the the ever-growing benefits this super-supplement can give.
CBD is derived from hemp, and hemp is a member of the cannabis sativa L. plant species.
Hemp has been grown for centuries and has been, and still is, a good source for making fibre, oil, plastics, fuel, and many other commodities.
Hemp is also grown for it's seeds. The nutritional value should not be underestimated, and is now recognised as a 'superfood'. The seeds contain protein, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin E, as well as Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. A powerhouse for any diet!
CBD is grown in a similar way to the marijuana plant. While CBD grows tall and thin, marijuana grows into a relatively thick bush with buds.
The cultivating technique between marijuana and CBD is an art in itself. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) levels in marijuana can be between 5-30%. This is the psychoactive element of the plant, and gives the consumer the feeling of being 'high', with mind altering experiences.
While CBD (cannabidiol) has to have a THC levels of no more than 0.3%, to not only be legal, but also to have a non-psychoactive effect on the consumer.
Hemp is a relatively easy plant to cultivate and will grow just about anywhere. Although for a premium quality outcome, factors such as the soil it is grown in has to be right. Hemp can adapt to many different soils, but likes organically rich, deep soil which is loose.
Hemp likes a mild, humid climate with occasional rainfall. Industrial hemp is excellent at keeping weeds at bay, which thankfully saves the grower a whole lot of work!
Feeding, fertilizing and watering your hemp are important too. Different products and techniques are used by different cultivators, all believing that what they use will result in a premium end product.
It is recommended that regular laboratory analysis of the cultivated hemp is sought. This will ensure CBD/THC levels are safe and legal.
European Regulations and Guidelines ensure safety and confidence with the use of CBD, as well as maintaining a premium product.
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